legalcops CRM for Appointments

legalcops CRM for Appointments

With this tool, we can be connected with Google Calendar and Outlook Calendar each separate user will be able to log in to his own Google or Outlook calendar and directly manage appointments to both calendars, create, update and delete.

We can add a request appointment form to any of our websites and clients can directly ask for an appointment. Appointments can be created with a specific start time and location with the option to include Internal, External Contact or Lead and also include member/staff as attendees.

The External appointment Form is embedded in all the legalcops websites or associate partner platforms can be embedded (added) to any other legalcops website.

It also includes the extra option of Callbacks which is the best feature in appointments where external clients or internal can request a callback from our company because not all clients are located in the same country where we work.

Callbacks can be managed by the admin or responsible person for callback assignees can be assigned to manage individual callbacks and take notes. This option can be enabled/disabled per our needs. Email Tracking and Feedback are also available for the Appointment platform which also supports live notification and email templates.

Quick Review

 Google Calendar API (One-way Sync) > Google Meet Integration > Invite Client and member to Google Meet (via email) with custom message > Outlook Calendar API (One-way Sync)

Past Appointments > Recurring Appointments > Request a Callback >External leads/clients can request callbacks > Callbacks assignees> Callbacks notes > Email Tracking

Convert to task (can be related to Project, Invoice, Customer, Estimate, Contract, Ticket, Expense, Lead and Proposal) > Convert to lead

Appointment Feedback Clients with finished appointments can add feedback ratings and comment. Member/Staff can request feedback > Member / Staff permissions (View-Global, View-Own, Edit, Delete)

Live push notifications (Reminders, New Appointments, Appointment Cancelled, Request Cancellations, Updated, Feedback notifications, Callbacks notifications)

Google Calendar API > Today’s Appointments Calendar sync > Option to Edit Appointment > Option to Delete Appointment > Option to Cancel appointment

Option set clients to book appointments logged in or before login > Calendar type events > Appointment Notes > Appointment Types

Books appointments directly from customers area > General appointment view > General appointment view separate for external public client URL client (hashed and unique) >General appointment view separate for internal member/staff private CRM URL attendee > Assign Multiple member Staff Attendees

Internal Appointment (Contacts) > Internal Appointment (Leads) > External Appointment > SMS Notifications and Notification reminders > Email Notifications and email reminders > Reminder Notifications > Send Early Reminder >Access Logs > Reschedule appointment (Mark as Ongoing)

Email Templates >Appointment Approved to (member/staff and Attendees) >Appointment Cancelled to (Staff and Attendees) > Appointment Approved to (Contact) >Appointment Cancelled to (Contact) >Appointment reminder to (Staff and Attendees) >Appointment reminder to (Contact) >Callbacks Assigned to (Staff) >New Callback to (Staff) > Feedback received to (Staff) > Feedback updated to (Staff)

SMS Templates

Note: Make sure that all your SMS templates in Setup->Setting->SMS are filled with some content as given in the example below or SMS will not be sent if your SMS template is empty.

Appointment Approved to (Contact) > Appointment Cancelled to (Contact) > Appointment Reminder to (Contact) > SMS Action hooks

Dashboard Today’s Appointments Widget > Add today’s appointments widget to your dashboard > All your appointments are shown and synced with your calendar > directly open appointment from calendar > Calendar colored events

Flexible date and time manipulation > Busy hours and dates indicator >Also available in external form

Email and SMS notifications:

Send Email and SMS notifications to contact / attendees on creation, approval or editing of existing appointments> Email Templates for Appointments > Custom content and subject

Custom Fields > Feedback> Callbacks> Custom admin email templates and SMS >Appointment Confirmation >Appointment Cancellation

Custom statuses for different status of appointments: pending, approved, cancelled, confirmed, upcoming > the fields, in SMS and Email templates >Action Hooks

Table Filters > All >Approved > Not Approved > Cancelled> Finished >Upcoming >Missed >Recurring >Lead >Internal Staff >

Live Search, Live Search Leads > Source: eg. Internal (Contact) / External / Lead (Can be marked as External from Inside CRM or External Contact from website) > Appointment due date pointers > Appointment busy dates pointers (can be disabled) 

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