Chat Ticket

CRM Chat

The best way to connect and interact with our colleagues and connected clients, we can communicate directly as well as build trust. The options are to create chat groups, connect with clients, export conversations, delete conversations and even create tickets from clients' conversations.

Quick Intro

Chat full browser view > Chat toggled View >Chat member permissions (Chat Access) > Message Seen / Delivered / Seen at / Sent at Clients area chat support > User @mentions > Chat statuses Online, Offline, Away, Busy

Live desktop push notifications > Quick Mentions (Projects, Invoices… etc) > Member filters > Message forwarding > Delete and Copy message > Associate with Task

Audio messages on member and Clients side > Group chats > Group members control > Group rename

Group shared items, files and photos > Global announcements to Staff and Clients > Live browser push notifications > 100+ emojis

Videos and MP-3 live click preview (lightbox) > Files / Images upload > Shared files history > Shared photos history > Live search members > Live search mutual messages >Date sent timestamps

New message notifications > Unread message notifications >Export conversation > Delete conversation > Convert conversation to support ticket

Current online members indicator/staff and clients > Option to show only users with chat permission in chat view > Enable/disable clients area chat support

Permissions: Allow member to create groups > Permissions: Allow member to delete messages >Permissions: Allow member to convert the conversation to support tickets > Purge conversation history > Forward messages > fully mobile View and many more options

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